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Java is complete object oriented, high level, robust, and secured programming language. It is also called fourth generation computer programming language. A java word comes from a hot cup of coffee. James gosling mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton initiated the Java language project in June 1991 at Sun Microsystems. It took 18 months in development. Initially it was called Oak, in 1995 Oak was renamed in java. In java everythings is written under class except package. In java even main function is also defined in class. Java is case sensitive programming language. In Java the file name should be same as its class name.

Features of Java

Simple:- Java is easy to write, more readable, and eye catching programming language. In Java most of the concepts has taken from C++ thus making Java learning very simpler.

Secure:- Java is very secure programming language, because several dangerous features of C and C++ has eliminated (Like- No memory pointer, No preprocessor, Array index limit checking...etc). Java program cannot harm other system thus making it secure. With Java we can develop virus-free, tamper-free systems. Authentication techniques are based on public-key encryption.

Portable:- Java programs can execute in any platform(Like- Linux, Windows, Mac ...etc) for which there is a Java run-time (JVM) system, so we can carry the java bytecode to any platform.

Object Oriented:- Java is a complete object oriented programming language.

Robust:- Java programs can execute in any platform(Like- Linux, Windows, Mac ...etc) for which there is a Java run-time (JVM) system, so we can carry the java bytecode to any platform.

Architecture-neytral:- Java is not tied to a specific machine or operating system. Java is independent of hardware.

Multithreded:- Java multithreading feature makes it possible to write program that can do many tasks simultaneously. The main advantage of multi-threading is that it shares the same memory.

Interpreted:- Unlike most of the other programming languages which are either complied or interpreted, Java is both complied and interpreted. The Java compiler i.e. JVM(Java Virtual Machine) translates a java source file to bytecodes and the Java interpreter executes the translated bytecodes directly on the system.

High Performance:- The use of bytecode makes the performance high. Java enables high performance with the use of Just-In-Time compilers.

Distributed:- Java has networking facilities, so java can create application on network and it can be transmit, run over internet.

Dynamic:- Because it is interpreted , Java is an extremely dynamic language, At runtime, the java environment can extends itself by linking in classes that may be located on remote servers on a network.

Uses of Java

According to Sun Microsystem, 3 billion devices run java. It is used to create desktop application, web application, android app, robotics, games etc.

Types of Java Application

There are besically 4 type of applications that can be created using java such as:-

Standalone Application:- An application which we need to install on every machine such as microsoft office, web browser, antivirus etc. Generally AWT and Swing are used in java for creating standalone applications. It is also known as desktop application or window-based application.

Web Application:- An application which will run only through web browser kno as web application.

Enterprise Application:- Ja hardware.

Mobile Application:- Ja hardware.

Difference between C and Java

There are various difference given below:-

  • C is structure based programming language, while Java is complete OOPs.
  • C supports goto, structure, union, enum ...etc, while Java does not support.
  • C supports explicitly pointer concept, while Java does not support.
  • C supports macros, while Java does not support.
  • C supports preprocessor(#), while Java does not support.
  • C supports global variable concept, while Java does not support.

Difference between C++ and Java

There are various difference given below:-

  • C++ is partial copy of OOPs, while Java is complete OOPs.
  • C++ supports multiple inheritance, while Java does not support.
  • C++ supports templet concept, while Java does not support.
  • C++ supports operator overloading, while Java does not support.
  • C++ supports explicitly pointer concept, while Java does not support.
  • Turbo C++ does not supports try, catch, and throw, while Java support.
  • In Java each and everything must be written with in a class, while in C++ main function and class both are separate.
  • C++ is not a shareable language, while Java is shareable language.
  • C++ supports macros, while Java does not support.