Operating System (OS)
An operating system is an intermediary (interface) between the user of a computer and the computer hardware. The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user can execute programs in a convenient and efficient manner. In other words it is also known as a system of software which may be viewed as an original collection of software consisting of processors for operating a computer and providing an environment for execution of program.
Function of an Operating System (OS)
- It can act as an interface between the user and the hardware.
- It is responsible for managing all the processes which are executed.
- It is also responsible for managing the memory occupied by various processes.
- It manages all the peripheral or I/O devices connected to the system.
- It also manages the disc or the secondary storage device.
- It helps in the proper functioning of the system and enables the user to interact effectively and provide instructions.
Goals of an Operating System (OS)
- To execute the users program to make the process of solving the users program simple and easy.
- To make the computer system convenient to use.
- To use the computer hardware efficiently.